New vaccines changing the way we manage flu

The 2017/2018 flu season was a catastrophic time for Australians. in 2017, over 1,000 Australians suffered flu related deaths, with 90 percent of these deaths being people aged over 65. There’s no...

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Preserving Eye Health

Poor eye health is a relatively common issue in Australia, and it is expected to be on the rise, with 800,000 Australians expected to suffer blindness or have some vision loss by...

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Managing the Common Cold

As its name would suggest, the common cold is quite prevalent year-round. To combat it is not easy, as there is no real cure available, but there are nonetheless means to avoid...

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Ways to Manage Eczema

Eczema is a common issue for many, and combatting this skin issue can be a nuisance a lot of the time. although there are over the counter and prescription creams and solutions...

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Ways to Manage Sleep Naturally

Managing consistently restful sleep is unfortunately challenging for many. Despite constant lethargy and exhaustion, maintaining a healthy, long sleep very often feels unobtainable for some people.

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