4 Ways to Relieve Period Cramps

With roughly half of the global population laying claim to a uterus, it seems strange that women are still struggling to find the best solution to deal with cramps and discomfort associated...

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The Benefits of Home Visiting Doctors

We rely on general practitioners to provide basic treatment and care for a wide variety of illnesses and conditions. From advice on tackling the common cold, to referring patients for specialist care,...

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What You Should Know About Medical Cannabis

The ACT Legislative Assembly has passed a private member’s bill to allow Australian residents over the age of 18 to possess and grow cannabis– the first state or territory to do so.

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5 Things Every Vegetarian Should Be Eating

As more and more people become conscious of how a meat-based diet effects our delicate ecosystem, thousands are making the switch to a vegetarian lifestyle. Whether you make the transition by slowly...

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History and Future of Wound Care

As a race, human beings have been tending to their wounds since documented history began. Moving on from spiritual rituals and incantations, some of the most basic principles of practical wound care...

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Signs Your Child is Sick

Becoming a parent can be one of the most fulfilling roles we take on, but it can also be the most serious. We are essentially in charge of the health, wellbeing and...

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Robotic Surgery

For most of us, when we think of robots conducting traditionally human tasks, our familiarity is with science fiction or articles regarding potential uprisings. But the future is now. Robots are already...

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Dangers of Liquid Nitrogen in Foods

It’s becoming harder and harder to stand out from the crowd and create something fresh, new and exciting within the culinary industries. Which is likely why people today are finding themselves so...

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