Signs Your Child is Sick

Becoming a parent can be one of the most fulfilling roles we take on, but it can also be the most serious. We are essentially in charge of the health, wellbeing and...

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Robotic Surgery

For most of us, when we think of robots conducting traditionally human tasks, our familiarity is with science fiction or articles regarding potential uprisings. But the future is now. Robots are already...

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Dangers of Liquid Nitrogen in Foods

It’s becoming harder and harder to stand out from the crowd and create something fresh, new and exciting within the culinary industries. Which is likely why people today are finding themselves so...

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The History & Future of Defibrillation

It’s easy to forget how lucky we are living in our modern era, where technological marvels are readily on hand to assist us, should illness strike. Everywhere we visit will likely be...

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Electrosurgery Explained

Electricity has been applied in therapeutic and medicinal procedures for over a century, yet a lot of confusion and uncertainty continues to surround the practice. It’s understandable – electricity has proven to...

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Simple Equipment for Exercise and Rehabilitation

While kettlebells, dumbbells and medicine balls are go-to pieces of workout equipment for many gym goers and PT’s, the humble exercise ball and band cannot be underestimated. They are both fantastic tools...

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What is a Phobia?

Like ‘awesome’ and ‘epic’, there are some words in the English language that have been made redundant through overuse. Unfortunately, this also applies to the word ‘phobia’, when what people are really...

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