The Place of Electrosurgery in Modern Medicine

Electrosurgery is a common form of surgery in which tissue is heated in a variety of different ways for different results. Specifically, electrosurgery utilises alternating high-frequency radio currents in order to alter...

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How Real-World Hospitals Differ from Televised Drama

Medical dramas, particularly those watched on television, are hugely successful due to the consistent drama and often bizarre scenarios that befall the professionals that work in the hospital. While the events that...

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Discover How It Works: Stethoscopes

At some point in their lives, most Australians have had an encounter with a stethoscope during a doctor’s appointment, whether as a child or as an adult. Stethoscopes can be used to...

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Better Understanding Seasonal Affective Disorder

The winter blues may seem like an excuse many use when they’re feeling down, but experiencing this kind of sadness during the cooler months is actually an accepted phenomenon. This winter depression...

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Cryosurgery in Modern Medicine

Cryosurgery may sound like a farfetched concept straight out of the future, but it is in fact a highly specialised method of surgery that is perfect for destroying diseased and abnormal body...

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What Kinds of Vaccines Are Being Produced?

Vaccines might serve the same general function, but this does not mean that they are created in the same way. There are in fact several types of vaccines, each of which instructs...

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Understanding What Goes in Vaccines

Vaccines are well known to be highly useful for preventing serious diseases. Whether it be to prepare for travel, the onset of a new flu season or a scheduled vaccination for children,...

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When to Get A Flu Vaccination

With the weather cooling down in preparation for the winter months, the upcoming flu season is drawing closer. Some might have mistakenly believed that they’ve missed the window for their shot, but...

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