Sustainability is a journey we take together
ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance and it takes the view that sustainability extends beyond just environmental issues. At Team Medical, we care about people and the planet and have done from day one. We’ve shared a bit about how we go about it on this page.
Every clinic and every business are different, so it’s important to start the journey where it matters for you and your team. Every action matter: what will be your first step?
Team Medical has set up giving projects as one way to help you get started, supporting ESG; Environment, Social and Governance. Through our collaboration with B1G1, Business for Good, you can buy products that support specific projects, locally or around the world. Below you see examples of our Sustainability actions and we would be happy to help you reach your goals, too.
- Team Medical was the first medical wholesaler to use cold chain trucks to deliver vaccines, instead of polystyrene eskies. Some regional areas in Australia can’t be reached that way yet, but 78% of our vaccine orders are sent via specialist cold chain couriers. Every year this equates to a saving of 768m3 of eskies not used, approximately 4 school swimming pools.
- Investing in Solar Power for our Sydney Warehouse is another example of thinking ahead. We estimate that 75% of all our electricity will be renewable by 2025.
- We recycle 90% of the packaging we receive from suppliers, 95% of our packaging is eco-friendly, our marketing team has gone paperless for all editing, and 100% of our customer statements are sent electronically. It all adds up.

- People has always been front and center for us at Team Medical. Being a family owned and operated business, many have found a second chance and a family in the team. We give opportunities and encourage to move through the business from warehouse over customer service, marketing and sales.
- At Team Medical, we are a diverse bunch. Nationality, gender, sexual orientation or which sports team you support – we have space for us all. Our gender mix is 52/48, we are LGBTIQA+ and our most active Slack channel is #TeamPets.
- Community outreach happens in our local communities as well as throughout Australia and the wider world through B1G1. Indigenous Education, Drought Angels and supporting Water Bore Holes in Kenya are just some of the examples of projects we support and further.
- We are very fortunate with Australian living and working conditions, but this is not the case for everyone. Our first Modern Slavery Statement was published in 2022 and as a company committed to fulfilling our purpose of creating solutions for a healthier world, we aspire to a future where such statements are no longer necessary. Nonetheless, we remain committed to ensuring to the best of our ability that our business practices do not contribute to modern slavery.
- Our team and customer relationships are built on trust. As we continue to grow, we acknowledge that more governance is needed. We have invested additionally in Risk and Compliance maturity since 2021 and continue crossing our t’s and dotting our i’s through ISO9001.
- Since 2022 our board includes an external, non-executive director, to add to the perspective of our family-run and operated business.